Per our August 2023 Noosa 360 update, in response to significant community concern regarding wildlife road injuries in the Noosa Electorate, Sandy commissioned local wildlife ecologist Dr Elizabeth Brunton to complete a wildlife study. She has been conducting research on the impacts of urbanisation and roads on macropods in Southeast Queensland since 2014. The project’s main aim was to map key road-kill hotspots and provide baseline information and recommendations for best-practice mitigation methods.

This study forms part of our advocacy to see a decrease in deaths and injuries and provide evidence-based solutions to the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and Noosa Council. Our wildlife organisations do an incredible job, and this report lays out ways governments can support what they do.

Eleven Noosa Shire roads were identified as hotspots including Eumundi- Noosa Rd, Louis Bazzo Dr, Kin Kin Rd, Sunrise Rd, Cooroy Noosa Rd, McKinnon Dr and Lake Cooroibah Dr, among others. Recommendations made were road specific and included maintenance of current koala fencing, night lighting, rope bridges, interactive signs, speed revisions and community education programs.

There is a unique opportunity here to implement innovative and localised mitigation solutions that suit the Noosa identity which prioritises both conservation and resident expectations, and Sandy thanks Dr Brunton for her work and assistance.

Much was learnt over the months including that there was less data available prior to 2020, and it is hoped that this study will provide a ‘baseline’ and impetus for government to provide greater resources including funding to our volunteers to continue this collation so that mitigation efforts can be measured for effectiveness.

Dr Brunton has provided the following statement:

The widespread and increasing issue of wildlife deaths on Noosa roads is a growing concern for local residents and will require collaboration between local and state agencies and the community to address this urgent issue.

The full wildlife study is available at and any feedback from Noosa Electorate residents can be emailed to with the results provided to Noosa Council and TMR, as well any organisations who have requested.

Sandy and Dr Brunton would like to thank all who assisted in data collection including our fabulous wildlife groups and volunteers and for all that they do. Special mention to WILVOS, Australia Zoo, Wildcare and Wildlife Rescue.

Further Information

This project was paid for with funds from Sandy’s office operating budget as she has never supported efforts that see Members of Parliament (MPs) advertised on signage, on drink coasters, or in other forms of paid advertising. She believes where possible these funds should be used to benefit the residents and community rather than the office bearer.

For those who would like to directly advocate regarding this, please contact the Queensland Minster for Transport and Main Roads via Please cc’ our office in via and forward any response you receive to us.

To contact the Noosa Council Mayor and Councilors, please find their information at

For Noosa 360 updates on other MP Funded Initiatives and grants, please visit