As part of Sandy’s 2024/25 State Budget request letter to the Queensland Minister for Disabilities, she requested the implementation of all relevant State and Territory recommendations that were presented in the Royal Commission. The Minister’s response is below:

As you are aware, the final report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission) was publicly released on 29 September 2023. The Disability Royal Commission’s report’s 222 recommendations are broad, spanning many Commonwealth, state, and territory service systems, legislation, and polices.

The Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS Review) final report was publicly released on 7 December 2023 following consideration by National Cabinet. The report makes 26 recommendations with 139 supporting actions for wide-ranging changes to both the NDIS and broad disability ecosystem outside the NDIS. The Queensland Government will work closely with key partners, including disability advocacy, peak and representative organisations and people with disability, to inform its response to the NDIS Review and Disability Royal Commission recommendations and consider how any reforms should be best designed and implemented in Queensland.

The Queensland Government supports communities through delivery of the Queensland Disability Advocacy Program; funding service providers to deliver disability specific peak body services to Queenslanders through the Queensland Disability Peak and Representative Body Program; providing one-on-one assistance to Queenslanders to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme through the Queensland Assessment and Referral Team.

Your request will be considered as part of the proposed disability reforms from the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review and in the development of submissions for the upcoming Queensland Budget, which will build on the Government’s work in creating more jobs in more industries, delivering better services and protecting the Queensland lifestyle, in your Electorate and across Queensland.

As we have now received more feedback from residents as well, we will be writing to the Minister again. In the meantime, for anyone wishing to read the Executive Summary of the Royal Commission’s report, please visit here. If any Noosa Electorate Residents have any further thoughts on the report in relation to State Government, please email us via

Further information

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