Five years ago in 2019, Sandy, spoke in Parliament of the long-held vision of advocates and the process involving many locals to see two thousand four hundred hectares join the Tewantin National Park. Of specific mention is the partnerships between community, industry and two levels of government that made this possible.  

Sandy’s full speech in 2019 can be viewed in the official Parliamentary record at 

The last stage of this five-year process has now been completed and she would like to share the following statement: 

This is the last stage of a three-stage process I spoke in chamber of first stage in 2019 and the second stage in 2022. 

Altogether, 2,400 hectares has transitioned to National Park, an outcome that the Noosa electorate and all who made possible should be rightfully proud of. 

This project, called the Yurol Ringtail Conservation Project, was initiated by the Noosa Parks Association to relinquish hardwood and pine plantations and restore to original vegetation.  

It was jointly funded by the Department of Environment, Science, and Innovation, Noosa Council and Noosa Parks Association with a Memorandum of Understanding established that also included the plantation operator HQPlantations and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. 

Doing the transfer in stages has allowed the community to work on rehabilitation of the land at an appropriate scale and pace.  

Environmental not-for-profit GreenFleet has been working with the Kabi Kabi Aboriginal Peoples Corporation in undertaking habitat restoration works using plants from our local nurseries. 

This provided training and jobs to our local First Nations people, and with GreenFleet a carbon sequestration organisation, this also provides an ongoing income to Kabi Kabi.  

Noosa as a result now has over forty two percent of land under protection or conservation, a feat that would not have been achieved without the dedication of community members and conservation groups including  the Noosa Parks Association. 

This is a wonderful example of government, local community organisations, indigenous people, private sector and not-for-profits all coming together to achieve multiple outcomes for Noosa.  

We would like to congratulate all involved in this from the very beginning. If any Noosa Electorate residents have any questions regarding this or any other State Government matter, please email our office via 

Further information 

To read the speech in 2022, which Sandy mentions in her recent statement, please visit  

In response to significant community concern regarding wildlife road injuries in the Noosa Electorate, Sandy commissioned local wildlife ecologist Dr Elizabeth Brunton to complete a wildlife study. This has now been submitted to TMR and Noosa Council with further information available at  

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