Noosa Hospital now able to expand

The Court determination overturning the previous Noosa Council’s decision in 2023, to deny the Noosa Private Hospital to expand onto an adjacent lot, is a good outcome for our community considering the need for the emergency department to expand and associated contracts. As a result, the Minister for Health was able to confirm that Sunshine Coast Health has agreed in principle to extend the current lease which has six years remaining, and we look forward to an end to the baseless fearmongering being used in electioneering. It was appreciated to do a site visit this month for an update from CEO Karl, and catch up with the fabulous staff, volunteers as well patients!

L-R: @ the DAF Boatshed Opening; The Ambulance Wish Launch; With CEO Karl at Noosa Hospital

Tewantin Bypass back on track

Following our advocacy and calls to the Minister, we have been allocated $7.1m, on top of an existing $1.4m, to fast-track the detailed designs and business case for the remaining stages of the Tewantin Bypass which is fantastic news for our community! As I have raised previously this is a vital project, given not only existing congestion, but as well the projected population increases to the south and the visitations due to the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

L-R: Tinbeerwah Art Group Exhibition; @Tall Trees Weekend; Noosa Art Gallery Opening

MSQ to allow vessels between 5m and 7.5m to anchor on or near the shoreline

Following our office taking resident concerns to Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) since July and many meetings regarding, MSQ have announced a six-month trial to allow vessels between five metres and seven and a half metres to anchor on or near the shoreline for up to two hours a day, as long as they anchor safely and responsibly, and consider the impact to other river users in the area. As previously reported, vessels five metres or under will still be able to anchor in the area without restrictions, provided they are also anchored safely, are not being used to live-aboard and do not obstruct other river users. Our work also included advocating for the release of the full MSQ consultation results, which has now been delivered and can be accessed on Noosa 360 at

New life for the decommissioned Tewantin TAFE site.

As you know, we have been fighting for this site to be utilised for benefit our community since it was closed without community consultation back in 2014. This long journey included Noosa Council rejecting the opportunity to take ownership of the site in 2020, culminating in an expression of interest (EOI) process in 2021 with the only hurdle remaining being the finalisation of Native Title determination over the Noosa region. Now that these processes have finalised, the successful proponents, renowned architects NRA Collective, can commence their vision of repurposing the buildings to develop a new Sunshine Coast School of Design offering creative courses including industrial design, architecture and fashion. For anyone unfamiliar with the history of the site, information is available at We look forward to updating all on this new journey in the coming months.

L-R: E-Bike Forum @ Peregian Beach; Australia Post Hub Opening; Lake MacDonald Dam Update Visit

New local facilities and initiatives

So much to share! After a long journey to comply with local planning regulations, we have finally celebrated the official opening of the Department of Boating & Fisheries (DAF) new boatshed at Munna Point to support the swift launch of their vessel for patrols and compliance efforts. The launch of Ambulance Wish Noosa Hub for palliative care patients to realise their final wishes was both heartwarming and inspiring and our deep appreciation goes to everyone involved. Noosa Heads Lions Club took me on a road-trip to see the results of some of the $30,000 they have raised over the past year, including to both Sunshine Beach schools and Making Lives Matters – everyone was very well deserving! A recent visit to Lake MacDonald was educational in terms of the scope of the $71.4 million dam wall replacement project which will take approximately 5 years to complete, including inserting a coffer dam to ensure continued community use during that time and an extensive environmental management plan in place.

On the sporting front

Our incredible Olympians and Paralympians were welcomed home, and it was wonderful to be there and honour every single ‘Sunshine Coaster’ who competed including our very own Nicholas Sloman, Kyle Chalmers, Kareena Lee and Alexa Leary. The Noosa Tigers Presidents Day Lunch raised at least $20,000, and it was a pleasure to announce that they will receive $300,000 from State Government for a much-needed lighting upgrade to accommodate the many teams who need to train by night. We encourage clubs to continue applying for grants as playing sports is very much part of the wellness of our community!

L-R: Sharing insights with the McKell Institute; 57th Parliamentary Farewell; With the RACGP


State Facilitated Developments in Noosa

Notification has been received that 2 projects that have applied under the SFD process are now progressing to Stage 2. We are calling for the community to remain focused, check the updated information that has been provided, even though still insufficient, and make a submission once consultation opens. Complacency is not an option, and should your voices go unheard, we will take them via busloads to the front of Parliament House. Further information including any new updates since this was written at

E-bikes and scooters safety

With continued e-bike and scooter incidents endangering riders, pedestrians, and drivers, I was invited to speak, along with Coolum Police Officer Joel Bryan, at the Peregian Beach Surf Life Saving Club. A lot was covered from the confusion between e-bikes and e-motorbikes, as well the laws governing them, through to efforts to reduce reckless behaviours. This includes education initiatives, confiscations of e-bikes from irresponsible and reckless owners as well the laying of charges. To assist in seeing an end to these behaviours, please report offenders to Policelink by calling 131 444 or by lodging an online report at More information on our ongoing efforts on this can be found at


COVID Response Review

Given the impacts on individuals, businesses, communities and the economy during the COVID pandemic and ongoing, we called for an independent inquiry into the Queensland Government’s response as part of preparing for future pandemics. Similar inquires have been undertaken domestically and internationally, and given we consistently review our response to every other disaster event, including fires and floods, this inquiry should be undertaken as part of disaster preparedness. Strangely this motion was defeated in Parliament and that is not acceptable.

L-R: Yellow Ribbon Day; Meeting RSPCA furry friends; Our Sunny Coast Manufacturers on Speaker’s Green

Disaster mapping

Forecasts to the year 2100 are having unintended consequences for residents, including increased insurance premiums and changes to town planning that are adversely affecting the values and rights of owners. With neighbouring councils using different mapping models, there is an inconsistent landscape where a minor flood event in one council may be classed as a major event next door. In Parliament I urged the Government to standardise the definitions and criteria for disasters, as well the framework for local governments. Read our full parliamentary speech at

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART):

New regulations were introduced which implement the 2022 Legal Affairs & Safety Committee’s (LASC) recommendations and were welcomed by so many of our donor recipient Queenslanders and their families. However, various submissions to the inquiry raised some concerns, including that increased regulations may limit the number of donors as a result. Read our full parliamentary speech at

L-R: Vietnam Veterans Day at Cooroy & Tewantin

Community Safety

While this Bill had important amendments including ones supporting Youth Justice Reform, there remained some contention. These included the new firearm prohibition orders and the amendment seeking to clarify ‘detention as a last resort,’ yet there is still no consensus on what the latter does to address youth crime. Hence why, in April, our Youth Justice Reform Select Committee put forward recommendation 53 to lower the threshold at which serious repeat offender declarations can be made, while broadening its criteria to target the specific cohort that is creating danger in our communities. With over half of the recommendations from my former committee in progress, more of them must be enacted for greater safety in our communities with the lack of response from the Opposition to commit to these deeply concerning. Read our full parliamentary speech on this bill at

Parliamentary Drop-ins

The last sitting before election as always was quite chaotic!! In between the commotion in Chamber, we met with many organisations who shared their own experiences and knowledge. These included Macular Disease Australia and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, with Robbie Katter MP and myself addressing the McKell Institute. We also spent time with our rural firies for Yellow Ribbon Day, and some of our four-legged friends for RSPCA Cupcake Day. The Victims of Crime Morning Tea is always moving, with inspirational speakers and organisations who spoke on the impacts on crime, which is far-reaching and devastating. The last night saw a ‘Farewell to the 57th Parliament’ which was a mixture of emotions, as you do not know if this is ‘goodbye’ or ‘see you in November’!! Even though I could not stay, it was lovely to grab a quick hug with many who do a sterling job including MPs from all sides, ministerial and Parliamentary staff, as they all have tough jobs!

L-R: With some buds at Noosa Show 2024; On the Peregian ‘Moby’; Olympic and Paralympics Welcome Home


Vietnam Veterans Day

Again, we came together to acknowledge, remember and share gratitude, tributes and stories of our brave men and women that sacrificed for all of us. Services as Cooroy and Tewantin were deeply moving and highlighted the importance of sharing stories not previously relayed. Special thanks to Jenny Gregory OAM, National President of War Widows, who spoke of the realities of wives, partners and families who waited for their loved ones to return, often in vain, and the many others who became lifelong carers to those with visible and invisible injuries from this war. 51 years on, 33,000 Australians remain on disability pensions from the impacts. We will always remember.

L-R: Noosa Lions do great; Noosa Volunteers; @World Stand Up 4 Nature Day

Cultural Exchange

Sunshine Beach State High School hosted the Italian Consul General for Queensland and other delegates to further the educational opportunities for local, regional and international students. We were also treated to an AFL match between Sunshine Beach and Gawa from the NT, opened with a fantastic ceremony and traditional dances performed by the Gawa team. It was fabulous to see so many students watching and cheering everyone on.

National Police Remembrance Day

The sacrifices made by those who have lost their lives in service to our community must never be forgotten. We commemorated them, laid a wreath in their honour, and remembered their unwavering commitment to protect and serve all of us. We will remember. Hasten the dawn.

L-R: Noosa Yacht Come and Try; Noosa Classic Car Show; Peregian Kindy Fete

This month also marked the retirement of Police Inspector Jon Lewis. How grateful we all are for the many years of service ‘Jerry’ has given to our community not only in policing, but also the many decades of volunteering, including as I heard the digging in of the posts for the clubhouse at Noosa Rugby Union Club many moons ago! The volume in attendance, with some travelling from far away including Benny Carroll, is testimony to the wonderful person Jerry is, and a local legend. We send hearty wishes for many happy years ahead!

Mobile Offices aka Moby’s, ‘Drop Ins’ and Meetings

This month on our ‘mobys’ we finished the Noosaville industrial area, with some very cool producers and manufacturers, as well Peregian Beach to visit shoppers and our local ‘biz’. Key topics included electric bikes and scooter safety, land tax, and the SFDs. Many meetings were held with our very hard-working organisation such as YouTurn and SunnyKids, who are both doing vital and very appreciated work with our families and youngsters.

L-R: Inspector Jon Lewis’s retirement; National Police Remembrance Day; Noosa Tigers receives $300,000


With so much on and the upcoming election, it was lovely to catch up with some of our matriarchs and patriarchs who celebrated their 100th birthdays this month, including Caroline, Lorna and Wally (pictured below!). The words of wisdom they shared were appreciated, as we move to navigate the future.

Don’t forget Pre poll opens 14 October, and election Day October 26. All details are available at

P.s for postal votes, use to avoid having your personal information used by the political parties who have been sending application forms in the mail. These may look like coming from the ECQ, however do not! A shameful practice and one that I will continue to fight to see end.

Please know that we are all here if you ever need help with a State Government matter on either 5319 3100 or via

Blessings and gratitude to all, and I look forward to seeing you over the coming days in efforts to keep our community unique and beautiful in all ways!


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