During our recent annual Noosa MP Community Survey, some residents raised the need for increased monitoring of school absences, as well increased penalties for both students and parents. Following our enquiries, the Queensland Minister for Education provided the below information in italics on the school absence penalty system.
The Department of Education is committed to providing a high-quality education for all students in Queensland state schools. Attending school every day is essential to improving students’ wellbeing, educational outcomes, employment options and future earning capacity.
Queensland state schools closely monitor and manage student absences in line with the department’s Managing student absences and enforcing enrolment and attendance at state schools procedure, which is available at www.ppr.qed.qld.qov.au/pp/manaqinq-student-absences-and-enforcinq-enrolment-and-attendance-at-state-schools-procedure.
Parents have a legal obligation to ensure their compulsory school-aged child is enrolled at a school and attends every school day, unless there is a reasonable excuse. Furthermore, parents and carers are notified if their child is absent without an explanation as soon as practicable on the day of the student’s absence.
The department has implemented a range of initiatives to keep students engaged in learning, including attendance and engagement programs; flexible and alternative learning environments; and for those students most at risk, Case Managers within regions work with schools and young people to support re-engagement in education or transition to suitable pathways.
We would appreciate any feedback on the above information to further inform our advocacy in this space. Please email our office via noosa@parliament.qld.gov.au.
Further information
For further information on the Department of Education’s strategies on improving school attendance, visit https://education.qld.gov.au/initiatives-and-strategies/initiatives/every-day-counts/for-schools.
For direct advocacy regarding matters related to state schools in Queensland, contact the Queensland Minister for Education via education@ministerial.qld.gov.au. Please cc’ our office in via noosa@parliament.qld.gov.au and forward any response you receive to us.
For the full results of the recent Noosa MP Community Survey, please visit www.sandybolton.com/noosa-mp-community-survey-results-2024-2025/.
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