The Queensland Government is helping Queenslanders afford the upfront cost of household battery storage systems by offering interest-free loans and grants.

These loans and grants are open to eligible Queensland households and small businesses. Around 1,000 assistance packages are available for combined solar and battery systems – offering grants of $3,000 plus interest-free loans of up to $10,000 repayable within 10 years.

Grants for households and small businesses to install batteries to store their solar power are now available.
This will help up to 1500 Queensland households and small businesses cut their power bills by storing solar power and using it after sunset. From Monday 19 November Queensland householders can jump online and apply for interest-free loans of up to $10,000 and grants of $3000 to purchase batteries or combined solar-battery systems.

The scheme offers:
• grants of $3000 and interest-free loans of up to $10,000 for up to 1000 combined solar and battery systems
• grants of $3000 and interest-free loans of up to $6,000 for 500 batteries
This is on top of the scheme that started in June offering interest-free loans of up to $4500 for solar systems

To apply:
• Get a quote from an eligible battery supplier for an eligible battery system. You can find a list of eligible suppliers and batteries online at
• Apply online Applications can be lodged form 9am tomorrow (Monday 19 November).
• Get approved
• Tell your supplier you’re approved and get your system installed. (You cannot get it installed before approval or you’re not eligible.)
• Get back online to have your approved dollar amount paid to your supplier.
• You have six months from approval to get your system installed. There is minimal wait time for most systems except for Tesla batteries which can be longer.