The CSIRO in their review of the Queensland Herbarium’s report “Science supporting revision of codes of self-assessed vegetation thinning and fodder harvesting in Queensland” recommended that an accepted development code not apply to managing thickened vegetation, as the assessments which need to be done to determine whether thickening has occurred, are too complex for a landholder to perform. In response to these scientific assessments, I have withdrawn the Managing Thickened Vegetation code following assent of the Bill on 9 May 2018. The government has, however, made provision for a landholder to make a development approval application for this activity. This will ensure that those landholders who need to manage thickened vegetation are able to do so.
The Queensland Herbarium and CSIRO recommended that an accepted development code for Fodder Harvesting be maintained, with revisions. I accepted those recommendations. Whilst the practice of fodder harvesting is being continued under an accepted development code, management practices have been modified to meet the purpose of the Vegetation Management Act. Harvesting under the code requires notification, but not an approval, and harvesting can commence as soon as notification is made.

Landholders are encouraged to contact the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy by calling the Veg Hub on 135VEG (135834) or emailing, to discuss their individual situation.