Farmers in the Burnett Mary Reef Catchment area may be eligible for a $1,000 rebate to assist with meeting the new Reef Protection regulations which come in to effect on 1 Dec 2019. For more information please head to Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority site.
Adani breaks regulations time and again, not only here but are in court in India and government holds our farmers who are the life blood of Australia to higher requirements and fines. Again unfair treatment of Australians at the hands of those who are voted in to serve.
Dear Sandra,
Thank you for your message on our Noosa 360 platform regarding Adani, farming rebates and reef protection. I have spoken on this complex issue recently in a parliamentary debate speech on the Great Barrier Reef Protection Measures Bill: In this speech I acknowledge the need for all departments to work together with the scientists, traditional owners, environmental policy and planning and the dedicated frontliners, including QPWS and local conservation groups, to rebuild threatened species’ habitats. This takes funding, and we consistently hear from volunteer based groups that it has become increasingly impossible to undertake works when grants are oversubscribed. However, as the Conserving Threatened Species audit stated, a strategy is needed urgently and it is pleasing to receive updates that the seven recommendations are well advanced, including an overarching biodiversity conservation strategy. I also outlined in my statement of reservation, there must be targeted funding for farmers, streamlining of water quality offset legislation and extra extension officers on site to assist our farmers. Additionally, there must be an independent audit of the findings of the scientific consensus statement to give assurances around the concerns found during this investigation.
Regarding the Queensland Government approving the Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Management Plan (GDEMP) of this mine after its approval of the Black-throated Finch Management Plan (BTFMP). We have been advised, that this is the final part of the approvals process, hence will not be returning to Parliament for any debate. Within the Noosa electorate the majority of residents who contact our office do not support coal mining in the Galilee Basin, nor here in our own community.
We have been advised by the Minister’s office, that in April 2016, a majority of the Wangan and Jagalingou people, as the native title claimants, voted in support of and subsequently entered into an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (the Agreement) under Federal Native Title legislation. The Agreement was then registered by the National Native Title Tribunal.
Under the Agreement the Wangan and Jagalingou People have agreed to a number of actions to the Adani Mining Carmichael Project in exchange for compensation. While compensation agreements are confidential between the parties, they generally provide financial, training, employment, and cultural benefits for the native title holders or claimants in exchange for the mine operator’s use of the land.
The most recent action, as agreed to in the 2016 Indigenous Land Use Agreement, converted some pastoral leases to freehold. We have been advised this happens regularly, with more than 430 pastoral and rural leases freeholded in the past three years in accordance with the Federal Native Title Act.
Although as an MP I have no direct influence on these approvals, I will continue to work on the concerns of process and procedures in relation to environmental and other applications, along with advocating for the necessary funding for effective monitoring of Management Plans. Improvements are also needed to government response times for when breaches or incidents are reported, and I have spoken on these in Parliament and within my role on the Innovation, Tourism Development and Environment Committee.
Moving forward, it is important to concentrate on what we can all do to mitigate the reasons for developments that are controversial, including creating long term sustainable jobs for these communities, and reduce our impacts in all ways we can as individuals and as communities. Regarding the possibilities of any appeals to the Governments decision, this would be investigated by the Environmental Defenders Office who can be contacted on 3211 4466.
Thank you again for taking the time to write to me. As an Independent Member of Parliament, I strive to work not only for my own Noosa constituents, but also for the broader Queensland community. Genuine viewpoints such as yours assists in understanding many diverse perspectives is greatly appreciated.
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Kind Regards,
Office of Sandy Bolton MP
Independent Member for Noosa