In response to constituent enquiries regarding problems experienced with/in schools, the Department of Education has an official Complaints Management Process. This process is designed to help you and the school reach a suitable outcome, and requires initial discussions with the relevant school staff including the principal. We have been advised that individuals must successfully complete the first step before progressing to the next. The process is as follows: 

Complaints Process 

The steps are: 

  1. Early resolution: discuss your concerns with relevant school staff, including the school principal. It’s best to book a formal meeting time to give everyone a proper opportunity to discuss the concerns.  Keep in mind that for privacy reasons, information about other students or families may not be able to be shared with you. 
  2. Internal review: If you are dissatisfied with the Principal’s response, you can contact Regional Office for an Internal Review. An Internal Review determines if handling of the original complaint was appropriate and/or the outcome reached was reasonable. It is not a re-investigation of the original complaint.

    In requesting an Internal Review, you are asked to: 

    • provide specific details of your concerns (this includes specific dates, times and evidence/information to support your claims etc.) 
    • outline your reasons for the request, including why the information provided was incorrect and/or why the response was deficient; 
    • include any new information that should be considered; 
    • provide copies of relevant documentation that has not already been provided; and 
    • confirm the outcome you are seeking.

To request a review of the school’s actions/response to you, please email providing all required information stated above for your request to be assessed by a senior officer.  

An internal review request form can be accessed here to assist with submission: 

Should a suitable outcome not be reached through this process, please contact our office for further assistance. 

Further information  

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