Following resident concerns regarding excessive variations in fuel prices and other essential items contributing to the cost-of-living crisis, Sandy advocated for more action by the State Government. In April of this year, Sandy asked the following Question on Notice (QON) to the Queensland Premier on this issue:  

With reference to the government acting on supermarket pricing— Will the Premier advise what will be done, either directly or through working with the Commonwealth Government, to address the ongoing excessive variations in fuel prices and other essentials that are contributing to the cost-of-living hardships being experienced by Queenslanders? 

 You can find the Premier’s response in our April 2024 Noosa 360 update at Sandy also expressed these concerns in her Parliamentary Debate Speech on the Cheaper Power (Supplementary Appropriation Bill), in which she stated below.  

Cost-of-living relief through rebates and subsidisation appears to be our new norm and we need to ask why. I thank the member for Maiwar and other members who have been unpacking some of this for us. We have to ask ourselves: at what point will Queenslanders and Australians not be reliant on these measures in order to sustain them? Where are the investigations that go beyond supermarket prices? What about the outrageous cost of fuel and insurance? The fact that neither side of this House raised fuel during a motion regarding the cost of living, especially when it is a leading contributor to household stress, not only raises more questions but also raises eyebrows in the community.

Following this advocacy, the current Government has now announced below: 

  • The current Queensland Government will establish state-owned fuel stations
  • Additionally, all petrol stations will be banned from raising the price of fuel more than once a day
  • Fuel price increases will be capped to 5 cents a litre daily, as part of a trial
  • Government will also use planning call-in powers and government owned land for independents and smaller retailers to increase competition

The Premier has announced a plan to lower fuel prices.

The plan includes establishing 12 publicly owned fuel stations, to deliver greater competition.

The publicly-owned fuel stations will operate on a cost recovery basis. They will sell petrol and diesel alongside electric vehicle fast chargers.

The twelve initial sites will be determined by Government, based on where competition is most needed across the state. The Government will work with stakeholders, including independent retailers.

We will also take on the multinational oil companies by:

  • Banning fuel stations from raising the price of fuel more than once a day
  • Requiring petrol stations to release price changes a day in advance
  • Working with RACQ to trial a daily limit on increases in petrol prices, to no more than 5 cents a litre
  • Using planning call-in powers and access to publicly owned, Transport and Main Roads land to provide a more level playing field for independents and small retailers that are charging Queenslanders less for petrol

This will be funded by borrowings in the government owned corporations sector.

We have since written to the Premier asking that the Noosa Electorate be considered for a trial and for a proposal to be presented to the community for resident input. Our office would appreciate any feedback on either the Government’s response on fuel prices or the supermarket enquiry via Sandy will continue to advocate for any measures that ease these pressures on residents. 

Further information 

To contact the Premier, please email Please cc’ us via and forward us any response you receive. 

For any enquiries relating to the Federal Government, please contact your local Federal (Commonwealth) MP’s office: 

For our previous Noosa 360 updates on fuel prices, please visit  

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