In response to queries received from residents on current progress of genuine affordable housing projects and initiatives Sandy has been working on, we have complied the latest updates below. For those wishing to know the history of efforts, please read our previous Noosa 360 updates at In addition, subscribe to our monthly newsletter at to stay informed or check Noosa 360 where updates are posted as new information becomes available.
With the recent revoking of the Tewantin state facilitated development (SFD), Sandy looks forward to upcoming projects where developers are working collaboratively with Noosa Council being realised, including the state-owned Doonella Street site.
Doonella Street, Tewantin – social housing project
The advocacy for this project started with the previous Queensland Government and is ongoing with the new government. In response to a recent letter from Sandy to the new Minister for Housing requesting an update, they provided the below information:
The social housing project at 26, 30 and 32 Doonella Street, Tewantin is in the early phases of its design and the number of dwellings is to be confirmed. Construction is anticipated to commence in 2026-27.
The department continues to identify opportunities to partner with the community housing sector and local councils to deliver new social housing supply across Queensland as we work towards delivering 53,500 new social homes by 2044.
With the above response advising construction won’t commence until the 2026/27 year, given this has now been three years in the pipeline, there is a need to fast track this housing. The new government has committed to addressing the issues that contribute to long delays in deliverables, and Sandy can see no reason that sites nearly ready to go should not be prioritised, and will continue to advocate for this to be fast tracked.
Housing for domestic violence impacted families and households
As reported last year, Sandy facilitated a partnership between Coast2Bay Housing Group and our local Bendigo Community Bank Sunshine Coast branches for the construction of domestic and family violence (DFV) units locally and further south. We have requested an update on construction which is expected to be completed before end of year and will post to Noosa 360 once a response has been received.
Former House with No Steps site (60 Fellowship Drive, Doonan)
As mentioned in our previous Noosa 360 updates, Sandy has continued efforts to secure this site for an interim solution to our emergency, affordable and disability housing needs. Sandy is currently working with the successful tenderer for this location, the Ted Noffs Foundation.
Provision for a 24/7 staffing of emergency and housing support
This is needed to address the critical ‘gap’ being experienced as current services end 4pm Friday each week. The latest update from the Minister, which does not address this fully.
Youturn provides after hours outreach and additional support services for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Youturn Tewantin has been working with key stakeholders, including Council, other local authorities and support groups to provide accommodation and support options for people experiencing homelessness.
The department is continuing its commitment to the Crisis Accommodation Program (CAP) which funds providers to assist eligible people, including those experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness, to find accommodation. Under the CAP, funding has been provided to two organisations to headlease 21 properties from the private market to support eligible people across the Noosa and Sunshine Coast local government area (LGA).
We will update as progress is made.
Review of eligibility for social and community housing
As mentioned in our September 2023 Noosa 360 update, following Sandy’s advocacy, a review was ordered of the income limits for access to social and community housing that have not changed since 2006 and ongoing eligibility for existing tenants for social housing. We requested an update on this with the following being provided by the Minister’s office.
Establishing appropriate income limits to determine eligibility to access subsidised social housing is complex, and a known challenge for all State and Territory jurisdictions who manage finite social housing resources. It is imperative that any changes to income limits will help address social housing demand and deliver outcomes that ensure Queensland’s social housing assets are used to support people most in need.
In 2024, the department engaged a professional service provider with the expertise to undertake research and analysis, and to develop methodologies for setting social housing income limits in Queensland. This has now been completed.
The department is currently considering and testing several methodologies for applicability in Queensland and intends to seek the views of sector peaks and stakeholders before finalising any recommended changes.
Reform of the state facilitated development (SFD) process
As part of efforts to prevent further misleading applications, Sandy recently asked a Question on Notice (QON) in Parliament on whether the Government will review and revise the SFD legislation and regulations including the definitions for ‘affordability’ to deliver outcomes in line with community needs, with the answer due 11 April 2025. When Sandy spoke in opposition to the legislation that facilitated the SFD pathway originally, she was very clear that without a legislated definition, or definitions, on what is affordable, we would end up where we currently are, not where we need to be and that is with genuine affordable housing. To learn more about this, read our previous updates regarding at
Surplus state land housing audit
After successful advocacy, the previous state government undertook a comprehensive state land audit, the new government have recently provided the below update.
The former government conducted a comprehensive audit of surplus state-owned land and buildings that may be suitable for residential use, with over 2000 sites being reviewed.
The land audit reviewed surplus government land to identify sites with the potential to quickly and easily be developed for residential use based on factors such as tenure, zoning and proximity to services.
While no surplus and suitable state-owned sites were identified within Noosa LGA for housing development, the department continues to invest in new social housing that responds to local demand in locations where tenants are close to the services and amenity essential for sustainable tenancies, including in partnership with community housing providers.
Sandy has sent a request to the new Minister asking if the full audit will be made public.
Increase the target for social and affordable housing
Over the last decade, Queensland’s social housing portfolio only increased by 6% while our population increased by around 16%. Due to this, Sandy asked the government to advise if they will be increasing the percentage of social housing to keep up with this growth, with below being provided in response.
Queensland’s population is projected to grow by 15-34 percent, reaching between 6 and 7.5 million by 2044. To help address the housing gap impacting households across our state, we will certainly be building more social homes at a rate far greater than population growth to deliver on our target.
Wastewater treatment
A review is needed of the minimum capacity requirements for on-site domestic wastewater treatment units, as the larger ones impose greater costs on housing, exacerbating the housing crisis. Smaller sizes should be allowable as an option for granny flats, or even tiny homes, where an eight-person system is not required. This would provide greater flexibility for these small secondary dwellings which are desperately needed across Queensland as an affordable housing option. The Minister has responded to calls for with the following.
In relation to wastewater treatment, the minimum size of on-site sewage treatment plants (OSTPs) in Queensland remained at 1200L/day or 8EP since 2006, as per the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019 and Australian Standard AS/NZS 1546 which sets a minimum size of 8EP for testing and installing OSTPs. Standards Australia is addressing concerns from providers of passive OSTPs under AS 1546.3 by developing a draft Technical Standard, which is currently open for public consultation.
I will be seeking further information from my department regarding the application of the Australian Standard for smaller scale requirements.
With the Minister stating they will be seeking advice on the application of the Australian Standard for smaller scale requirements, we will continue to follow up on this.
Further information
Regarding the decommissioned Tafe site in Tewantin, this is being activated as a school of design, read more on this at
As mentioned earlier, for our previous Noosa 360 updates on housing, please visit
To contact the relevant Minister, email Please cc’ our office in via and forward any response you receive to us.