Happy 2025 fellow Noosans! The first month of the year is always so exciting with so many resolutions made, as well events and opportunities on the horizon. We hope you had an opportunity to enjoy a break over the Christmas holidays, as well a great Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony, which was again fabulous. Thank you to all our frontliners who did an incredible job over the break, including swift action on number of e-motorbike, bike and scooter complaints, as well those who assisted individuals in need of accommodation. Your efforts over this period have been amazing and are very much appreciated.

L-R: Kin Kin Christmas Party

Noosa Community Survey

With our annual Community Survey now closed, we thank all residents who participated and added their voice. This year’s was a little longer than usual as there were many important issues. Our polls and surveys are important tools in helping to define Noosa’s ‘position’ to take forward in advocacy and to Parliament, and we are currently in the process of collating the results and will release these in the coming days. Every voice and view matters, so please follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter via www.sandybolton.com/newsletters to be alerted when new surveys open, including the upcoming survey on water fluoridation and the public sex offender register.

Factory Street, Pomona Pedestrian Crossing locked in!

After the election we met with the new Minister for Transport and Main Roads (TMR) to discuss priority projects, including the importance of fast-tracking the pedestrian crossing on Factory Street Pomona to ensure safety in an area that continues to see excessive amounts of heavy haulage. This was followed by the tabling of a parliamentary petition, lodged by Nick Cooke and endorsed by our office, which reinforced our advocacy. The Minister has stated they will stand by their election commitment of $950,000 to construct pedestrian infrastructure on Factory Street and are in the process of developing the scope of works and a timeline. This is a great outcome for our community, and we thank the Minister, as well those involved in the petition. We will continue to provide updates of the progress of this and other priorities as they come in, including Tewantin Bypass and onshore boating infrastructure, as well the State Facilitated Developments, which State and Council continue to work together on. For more information see our Noosa 360 at www.sandybolton.com/pomona-pedestrian-crossings-update-january-2025.

Lake Macdonald Update

With preliminary site establishment nearing completion, works will soon enter the main construction phase, which will begin with a temporary cofferdam. We have written to the new Minister for Water to update that whilst it is vitally important that the dam wall is upgraded to improve safety and enable greater resilience, efforts must be made to minimise the resulting heavy haulage impacts. We are currently awaiting the finalisation of the Traffic Management Plan for the main project construction and will update the community once this has been received. Seqwater will be holding project information sessions over the next few weeks, for more information head to www.sandybolton.com/lake-macdonald-dam-upgrade-update-january-2025.

L-R: Meeting with Narelle from SCEC, Turtle Hatchlings, Factory Street Pomona

Safe Night Precincts

The new Attorney General, in response to our information request regarding the LNP’s commitment to establish a Safe Night Precinct in Noosa, gave assurances that stakeholder consultation will be undertaken, as well that any redirection of resources to these SNPs will not negatively affect other areas of the electorate. A Griffith University-led independent review is underway, with information gathered to be reported to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation to assist in planning next steps in the process. We look forward to updating residents as progress continues, which will be made available at https://www.sandybolton.com/?s=safe+night+precincts

L-R: With Queensland Ambulance Service, Noosa Coast Guard & Cr Amelia and Garry from NBRF

Olympics 100 Day Review

Our submission to the Games Independent Infrastructure and Coordination Authority’s one-hundred-day review of Olympic infrastructure and planning raised the importance of ensuring that infrastructure is appropriate and beneficial for all of Queensland, both metropolitan and regional. For Noosa, this includes transport infrastructure and services, such as improved bus and train links to the rest of the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and SEQ, appropriate upgrades to local sports facilities and new facilities for the training and preparation of Olympic athletes. Our submission also included a copy of the united Crossbench Statement on Olympics Funding, as while it is welcomed that this review incorporates aspects of the statement, there remain elements, such as the capping of the Games budget that remain to be actioned. For further information and to read our submission visit www.sandybolton.com/olympic-and-paralympic-games-legacy-update-january-2025.

Destination 2045: Queensland’s Tourism Future

Community consultations are now open on the development of the Queensland Government’s twenty-year tourism plan. This is of vital importance for our community and our future given both the importance of tourism to our local economy, as well the issues faced by over visitation which will have lasting impacts on resident amenity and our unique ‘selling point’ to visitors. I encourage everyone to make a submission at https://bit.ly/40AYgl6 and please cc’ us in at noosa@parliament.qld.gov.au


Health, Environment and Innovation Committee

As previously mentioned, I was appointed to the Health, Environment and Innovation Committee (HEIC) late last year, which also covers Tourism and Science, a portfolio that is a great fit for our community. In preparation for Parliament’s first sitting of the year in mid-February, the HEIC recently held a Public Hearing for the Inquiry into the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill and have continued to meet regarding this, as well to review the health service complaints management system and to consideration of multiple reports from the Auditor-General, including on planning for sustainable health services, measuring emergency department wait times, in amongst many others! For details on the HEIC and current inquiries head to https://previewqld.public.parliament.io/Work-of-Committees/Committees/Committee-Details?cid=274.

L-R: Site visit at the Noosa Dolphins Rugby Union Club


Teewah Beach Driver Behaviour/Cooloola Recreation Area Management

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) once again conducted Operation Sandstorm, which has been operating since 2019, across Noosa North Shore, Teewah beach, and Cooloola Coast to target unacceptable behaviour during the Christmas break. This resulted in over four hundred Traffic Infringement Notices and fourteen DUIs, after police conducted more than seven hundred Random Breath Tests and one hundred and fifty Random Roadside Drug Tests. During my first meetings with the new Minister for Environment and Minister for Police regarding our ongoing advocacies, I reiterated the importance of the implementation of automatic sharing of essential enforcement information between agencies, so that permit restrictions can be placed on offenders in our national parks, as well recommendations regarding decreasing the volume of day trippers during peak periods.  For a full update head to www.sandybolton.com/teewah-beach-driver-behaviour-cooloola-recreation-area-management-update-january-2025.

L-R: Community Christmas Lunch

Short Term Accommodation (STA) Boats

Following reports on social media of several houseboats moored at Woods Bay being used for STAs on the river during the Christmas holidays, we contacted Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), a Federal Government organisation who regulate commercial boating activities and registrations, to investigate.  In response we were informed that they conducted an on-water joint patrol, with regulatory actions issued against those non-compliant and a commitment to increase monitoring.  Information on AMSA and their regulations can be found at www.amsa.gov.au. MSQ continue to work towards stages 5 & 6 of their Noosa River management plan, with information on these at www.msq.qld.gov.au/about-us/news-and-stories/changes-for-boating-on-noosa-river. More information is available at www.sandybolton.com/noosa-river-management-short-term-accommodation-boats-update-january-2025.

Turtle Hatching Season

It’s that time of year when turtle nests along Teewah Beach begin hatching. Please help give the hatchlings the best chance of survival by not driving on dunes in the area where their nests are located and avoid driving on the beach at night as they make their nocturnal journey to the ocean. Our community advocacy continues for vehicle exclusion from the specific nesting area north of Freshwater Track during the season. Even though the Minister for Environment’s recent response to our letter regarding did not support seasonal/night driving limits due to access concerns, given that northern access is provided by the Freshwater Track, we have sought clarification and will update once we receive a reply. To view the Minister’s response head to our latest Teewah Beach 360 here www.sandybolton.com/teewah-beach-driver-behaviour-cooloola-recreation-area-management-update-january-2025.


Noosa Christmas Day Lunch

Thank you again Noosa for all your support in making the 2024 Christmas Community Lunch a sensational day! This includes the record number of beautiful volunteers who helped Chef Tony and the A1 kitchen crew prepare and serve a feast for over one hundred Noosans, as well wrap the presents to go under the tree. Gratitude to Oz, Huey and Cherry for the brilliant music that had us all singing and dancing, as well all who donated. Of course, this day would not have been possible without Matt, Graham, Patricia and the Salvos team, as well the support from Making Lives Matter. How blessed we are to live in this amazing community.

Sports club news

We celebrated the completion of the Noosa Lawns Club’s renovations, including a fabulous new full-length covered veranda, which overlooks the greens and will help players and spectators beat the heat. With the Noosa Dolphins soon to celebrate their fortieth birthday, we viewed their plans for major refurbishments to provide suitable training grounds for athletes competing in the upcoming 2027 Rugby World Cup and the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Noosa FM 101.3 30th Anniversary

So many dedicated volunteers over the past three decades have worked tirelessly to produce more than two hundred and sixty thousand hours of free programming for our community, from entertainment and music to emergency broadcasts. Recently, Noosa FM President Sibylle and the team of presenters and supporters, including thirty-year veteran presenters Al, Graeme, and Mel, gathered to celebrate this significant milestone. They also presented their own Barry Charles Award, named after our local music legend, to Music Director Vicki for her outstanding contributions to the station.

L-R: Noosa FM 30th Anniversary

Meetings, drop-ins and catch-ups

In amongst dozens of meetings in person and via Teams, we caught up with Narelle from the Sunshine Coast Environment Council to discuss priorities for the new term, including that all important Independent Environmental Protection Agency. As well Flotilla Commander Lindsay and Deputy Commander Michael from the Noosa Coast Guard to provide updates on the transition to Marine Rescue Queensland and their recently commissioned vessel ‘Bendigo Rescue’, as well Councillor Amelia and Garry from Noosa Biosphere to discuss alternatives to nets during whale migration season.

And finally…

Having raised previously our increasing waste, which continues to grow every decade per person regardless of our recycling, I saw during my week in Bali with the grandies just how far we have moved away from being mindful, sustainable and rational. It was heartbreaking to see the Balinese battle with rubbish created from our western society and visitations, with plastics of all kinds

floating in the ocean, littering the beaches, and piled on roadsides.  Statistics show that in Australia we produce about half a tonne of annual waste for every man, woman and child, a figure that has not really changed in a decade despite our repurposing and recycling efforts. So, what can we do to help? By supporting a circular economy, wasting as little food as possible, repurposing everything we can, and refusing to purchase products contained or wrapped in plastics. As well when visiting elsewhere, leave no trace. Please make your New Year’s resolution one that makes a difference to all!

This month we also welcomed the latest addition to our family, my grandson William, who could not wait to make his grand entrance! With now eleven grandchildren between Shoey and I, we are truly blessed and give gratitude to their mums and dads for the joy they bring to our world. Can we get to the baker’s dozen? Only time will tell!

Have a lovely month everyone and remember to add your voice to the current survey 😊



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