Seqwater have provided the following update which in summary is to prepare for major construction works in 2025, early works have commenced. They will take place between 6:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday, weather and construction conditions permitting. Be assured, we have written to update the new Queensland Minister for Water that whilst it is vitally important that the dam wall is upgraded to improve safety and enable greater resilience during flood related events, efforts must be made to minimise heavy haulage impacts as a result of this upgrade.
The full update provided by Seqwater is below:
The Lake Macdonald Dam Improvement Project is part of Seqwater’s Dam Improvement Program. The upgrade will reduce risks associated with extreme weather events, achieve regulatory compliance and ensure the continued reliability of this water source for the Sunshine Coast region for years to come.
Early works for site establishment are planned to begin from early November 2024, in preparation for major construction works in 2025. These early works will take place between 6:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday, weather and construction conditions permitting. Working hours on Saturday are between 6:30am and 4:00pm, as needed.
Site establishment will include the construction of the office buildings, car parking spaces, haul roads, pipe work and laydown area which involves minor vegetation removal in the vicinity.
Additionally, works will also include an aquatic fauna survey and habitat assessment in the lake as well as upstream and downstream locations. The survey will run from mid-November 2024 for approximately six weeks.
There will be truck movements during this time. Heavy vehicles will access site via Elm Street and Lake Macdonald Drive.
What to expect during early works:
- Deliveries of equipment and materials to the project area
- Construction of a laydown area, haul roads and site facilities
- Vegetation removal and mulching
- Increased noise in the area during working hours
- Increased number of construction vehicles along Lake Macdonald Drive
- Access to properties will be maintained at all times
Seqwater and John Holland are committed to keeping the community informed throughout the project.
Every effort will be made to minimise impacts on the local community and environment.
Seqwater and John Holland thank you in advance for your patience and understanding while this work is carried out.
For more information:
To sign up for project updates, please visit the project webpage and subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of the web page.
Visit the Lake Macdonald Dam Improvement Project webpage and read the FAQs
Email our team
Call us on 07 5472 1565 during business hours
Non-English speakers call 131 450 and ask for Seqwater on 07 3035 5500.
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service and give the number 07 3035 5500 a call or visit for more information.
Community Reference Group (CRG)
As mentioned in our Facebook post on 7 November 2024, Seqwater will establish a group of community members such as those who live near, upstream or downstream of the dam, local businesses, and/or have a heritage or environmental interest.
The Lake Macdonald Dam Improvement Project CRG will:
- Provide input to ongoing project planning to ensure both community and Seqwater needs are represented, project impacts are understood and addressed, where possible, and any opportunities and benefits are considered and maximised.
- Assist in refining the potential social impacts of the project and possible mitigation measures by confirming or updating information provided by the former CRG in 2019.
- Actively involve the community and key stakeholders in planning to ensure the project delivery meets community expectations, including for the proposed coffer dam.
- Raise awareness and understanding of the project in the community through the active sharing of information between well informed CRG members and their local networks.
- Improve Seqwater’s understanding of community impacts and concerns related to the project.
Our advocacy has included that relevant stakeholders such as Save Noosa Hinterland are represented.
Further information
For any other enquiries regarding this, please contact Seqwater on 3432 7000 or via
Direct advocacy regarding other matters related to the Seqwater can be directed to the Queensland Minster for Water via Please cc’ our office in via and forward any response you receive to us.
For our previous Noosa 360 updates on this, please visit