Since 2017, we have aimed to distribute as much as possible of our office operating budget back into the community instead of on advertising or self-promotion materials. In previous years, these funds through various programs have assisted our young Noosans access sports, major initiatives such as the all-abilities mat at Noosa Main Beach, provided emergency accommodations and the ‘Be: Noosa Connect-SCUH Transport Pilot’ which resulted in transport for vulnerable residents to hospital treatments.
The Independent Member for Noosa Sandy Bolton MP has opened her latest funding round, with the popular Quick Start grant program. This is for community groups in need of up to $1000 for a small project/initiative (Project) or up to $500 for a ‘helping hand’ (Helping Hand) to assist with increased costs.
This funding is via a simple application process, however, please include which grant you are applying for by indicating ‘Project’ or ‘HH’. Please also note the following eligibility guidelines:
- Must be a not-for-profit organisation or group based within the Noosa Electorate
- The initiative/payment must benefit and meet the needs of the Noosa Electorate
- The purpose of the funds should be realised within six months of the funds being transferred, unless the office of Sandy Bolton MP has granted an extension.
- Should your application be successful, an invoice is required to be submitted to for the agreed grant amount including the relevant BSB and Account Number before funds are transferred to the successful organisation.
Applications close 12pm 31 March and can be submitted in the below application form. If you require any assistance or have any questions, please contact us on 5319 3100 or via
Quick Start / Emergency Grant Application
Other Government Grants
For other available government grants, click here.