The Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) has been asked to undertake a review of pricing impacts from the Container Refund Scheme over the first 12 months of its operation.

The Commission will monitor and report on:
• the effect of the scheme on prices of beverages sold in Queensland in an eligible container
• the effect of the scheme on competition for beverages and the performance and conduct of the beverage manufacturers and retailers
• any other specific market impacts on consumers that arise from the commencement of the scheme.

A copy of the terms of reference for the review is available on the Commission’s website.

How to be involved

Register to to receive updates on opportunities for consultation, release of reports and other review information.
There will be a range of opportunities to participate in the review. An issues paper will be released for consultation by 1 May 2019. A draft report for further consultation will be prepared by 1 August 2019 and the final report will be submitted to the Queensland Government by 1 February 2020.

QPC documents and further information are located on their website at
Enquiries related to this project can be directed to (07) 3015 5111 or via ‘contact us’ on the webpage.