As mentioned in our previous Noosa 360 updates, Sandy wrote a letter to the Queensland Minister for Education regarding the recommendations relevant to their portfolio including Recommendation 7.1, 7.3, 7.4,7.13, 7.14 and 7.15. The Minister’s latest response is below however in summary, it acknowledged the need for proper consultation and reiterated the State Government is committed to providing a full response to the Disability Royal Commission in mid-2024.

I acknowledge the considerable interest in the community around the Disability Royal Commission, in particular from parents of children with disability—some of whom are apprehensive about changes that may result from recommendations about inclusive education. I appreciate you sharing questions and views from a parent in your electorate who has a child enrolled in a special school.

The Queensland Government is committed to carefully considering all Disability Royal Commission recommendations which present a great opportunity to take the next steps in creating a more inclusive society that supports all people with disability and their right to live free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Recognising the importance of consulting people with disability and their families, in March 2024 the Honourable Charis Mullen MP, Minister for Child Safety, Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Multicultural Affairs, held a Disability Reform Roundtable. The Roundtable provided an opportunity for Queenslanders with disability and other key stakeholders to have their say on the proposed whole-of-government approach to disability reform in Queensland, including implementing the Disability Royal Commission recommendations.

You may be aware the Australian and Queensland governments have committed to providing a formal response to Disability Royal Commission recommendations by mid-2024. This timeframe acknowledges the need for careful consideration of the recommendations, given their scale and complexity.

The Queensland Government is aware that, following the Government response, the views of stakeholders, including people with disability and their families, will continue to be very important in developing a coordinated implementation plan to progress work in response to recommendations.

While the Government considers the recommendations, the Department of Education continues to support all state schools—primary, secondary, special and alternative learning settings—to deliver high-quality education, so every child and young person with disability can achieve and realise their potential.

Sandy will continue to track the progress and update via Noosa 360.

Further information

For anyone wishing to read the Executive Summary of the Royal Commission’s report, please visit here. If any Noosa Electorate residents have any further thoughts on the report in relation to State Government, please email us via

For those wishing to also advocate with the relevant Queensland Ministers directly regarding this, please consider emailing the following:

Please copy in our office via and forward us any response you receive.

For our previous Noosa 360 updates regarding the Royal Commission, please visit

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