In May 2024, DES advised that the site will be transferred to National Park, and it is expected that the Lot will be dedicated as National Park in the third quarter of 2024.

As updated previously, we had sought to ensure that current users would not be impacted by the intent outlined in 2022, with the post available at

Advocacy has included Sandy submitting a Parliamentary Question on Notice in December 2022 to confirm that the airfield’s current usage, including for emergency services, would be retained, with the Minister responding they would undertake community consultation prior to making any decision over the proposed land tenure transfer (subject to decisions by the Department of Resources following advice from Noosa Council on its trusteeship). The full Question and response is available at

Additionally, Sandy raised with various Ministers, in speeches and meetings, the relevance of this portion of the site, including the confusion with information provided during community consultation.

Submissions to The Department of Environment and Science (DES) from Noosa Council, local bush fire brigade, McDermott Aviation and our office outlined the needs of users including the lack of other identified suitable sites within the Noosa area and that this must be addressed.

After assurances that a change to National Park would not impact emergency services including our rural fire brigade and McDermott Aviation for aerial firefighting training, and that current users, even though without permits since November 2021, would be supported to relocate to an appropriate alternate site.

Our advocacy in support of the recreational clubs has secured a two-year transition period and the establishment of a steering committee consisting of three departments and stakeholders including current users. Sandy has requested that Noosa Council also be involved to assist in identifying and transitioning the clubs to a suitable site within the designated 60km radius sought.

Whilst we appreciate that there will be many in our community in favour of this decision on behalf of our environment and conservation efforts, it remains disappointing that DES could not retain at most 10% of this nearly 1000-acre site for recreational use, leaving the balance of land to transfer to National Park.

Brief History

  • Long-held interest by successive state governments to transition this parcel of land for conservation purposes spanning the past 30 years.
  • Had been managed under trusteeship by Noosa Council who issued and managed permits and conditions for use.
  • In 2014, Noosa Council closed the airfield to helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. It was then being used by two community groups and for aerial firefighting training, with the community groups not issued new permits since their expiry in November 2021.
  • In July 2022, the Department of Resources wrote to Noosa Council asking them to relinquish trusteeship.
  • In November 2022, Noosa Council sought feedback from current users regarding the possible relinquishment of trusteeship.
  • This matter was covered in Noosa Council’s General Committee Meeting 12/12/2022 and deferred to the Ordinary Meeting 15/12/2022. and
  • Sandy advocated with the department to not only consult with the current users of the site, but also the broader community, which was done between 17/4/2023 and 12/5/2023.
  • In May 2024, advice was received from the Minister for Environment confirming the site would transfer to National Park, and that current users will be given a two-year transition period to assist in transition.
  • A steering committee with key Government agencies is being established to support transition of the club’s activities to other appropriate facilities once identified.

Further Information

For those who would like to directly advocate with the Queensland Minster for Environment please do so via Please cc’ our office in via and forward any response you receive to us.

For our previous Noosa 360 updates regarding Teewah Airfield, please visit

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