Noosa Council’s recent media release regarding the Teewah Cooloola Working Group’s (TCWG) submission to the Cooloola Recreation Area Management Plan consultation resulted in some community questions and confusion, hence this update with further information.

The TCWG has been in operation since 2018, formed by Noosa Council in response to concerns from the community. It comprises members from two different Councils (Noosa & Gympie), two State MPs (again Noosa & Gympie), and various other stakeholders including resident, environmental and tourism groups and more. The larger portion of the Cooloola Recreation Area (CRA), including all of the camping areas at both Teewah and Rainbow Beach, are within the Shire and Electorate of Gympie. However, Noosa Shire and Electorate are also major stakeholders as some of the CRA is within Noosa and is one of the two access points to the area via the ferry in Tewantin. Teewah Village is surrounded by the CRA and is within Noosa, and resources from Noosa, whether our frontline emergency services, Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service officers/rangers, environmental group volunteers, wildlife rescuers, and also Noosa Council staff are frequently used to manage or respond to issues and events within the Cooloola/Teewah area.

A submission on behalf of the TCWG, could only include points that have been agreed upon by all members, who were also encouraged to lodge their own submissions to the CRA Management Plan consultation to ensure their individual as well views of their memberships/constituents were still represented, which is what we did separate to the TCWG.

The points covered in our submission were:

  • To fast track the new permit system; to improve capabilities such as better management of annual and concessional pass holders (important for capping daily numbers); to allow for better communication to pass holders (such as regarding appropriate driving behaviours, environmental awareness and tide information); and basic knowledge testing prior to permit issuance.
  • Until QPWS new permit system is operational (giving improved management options), additional vehicle number plate recognition cameras should be placed at strategic locations for data to better inform planning and management solutions.
  • Reduction in camping capacity for the Teewah Beach camping section of CRA.
  • A cap on visitor numbers, not just on the previously identified peak 20 days per year, as visitor trends have changed and visitation peaks now occur most weekends often commencing earlier than the traditional Friday.
  • Improved management of beach access points during periods of unfavourable conditions, such as extremely high tides when drivers then consider illegal actions like driving on high dunes.
  • Bans for those who persist in dangerous driving or causing environmental damage.
  • Improved protection for turtles during nesting seasons.
  • Improved infrastructure such as new public toilets near third cutting and at Double Island Point, as well upgraded facilities on the Rainbow Bay side of the Leisha Track.
  • Reconsider the current full fire ban and instead instigate appropriate controls and management practices.
  • Consider aligning CRA fees with other recreation areas throughout QLD.
  • Greater focus needed on environmental protections within the CRA, including pest management and strategies.

Of note, a number of these items are under consideration as part of the CRA, however specific details are not finalised as yet.

Some matters raised with our office and during TCWG meetings were not in the remit of the CRA or QPWS, but rather local councils, or other State Government Departments. These were not communicated as part of the CRA submission for that reason; however, have been communicated to their relevant authorities.

We have also requested a meeting or response to feedback for those stakeholders who participated, given the longstanding efforts of the Noosa electorate and Shire to achieve better environment and amenity outcomes for this area, and we will continue to update as more information becomes available.

Further information

Noosa Council’s media release is available at

More information regarding the Great Sandy National Park as a whole and the Cooloola Recreational Area more specifically, is available at

For all our previous updates regarding Teewah and Cooloola, please visit

For those who would like to directly advocate regarding this, email the Queensland Minster for Environment via Please cc’ our office in via and forward any response you receive to us.