General Information

Speed limits on state-controlled roads are set and reviewed by TMR in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which outlines the state guidelines for speed zones and signage. There are a number of factors considered when undertaking a speed limit review (SLR). This includes crash history, traffic volumes and prevailing speeds, road function, and roadside development and activities. The SLR guidelines also recognise that regulatory speed must be appropriate to the general road environment, otherwise there can be poor levels of compliance unless continued enforcement is undertaken.

However, realistic and credible speed limits will be observed by the majority of road users and can be effective in regulating traffic flow, reducing crashes and maximising safety. When a SLR is completed, the results are shared with the local speed management committee (SMC), which has the role of providing endorsement or comment on the recommendation, before a decision on the speed limit is made. The SMC for Noosa is Noosa Council Speed Management Committee, which includes representatives from Queensland Police, Noosa Council and TMR.

TMR is aware that there are differing opinions across the community with regard to speed limits, and acknowledge that all motorists and local residents may not agree with a speed limit or review decision. A SLR may be instigated by a request from the community; however TMR makes decisions based on thorough technical assessments undertaken in the review process.